photogrammetry:  Schloss Schönau

Schönau Castle, outdoor staircase photogrammetry (2023)
moated castle
Aachen-Richterich [satellite]
Bricks, bluestone
Schönau Palace is a small moated castle in the north-west of Aachen. It is surrounded by a small pond and forms the urban core of the suburb of Richterich. First mentioned in a document in 1244, the present building was designed by Laurenz Mefferdatis 🔗 and largely completed in 1732. The castle was built on the foundation walls of a three-winged complex that was surrounded by water in the late Middle Ages and had a two-winged outer castle. This can still be seen in an estate in front of the castle. In the 19th century, two three-storey wing buildings were added to the castle on its south side. Its windows and doorways are framed in interlocking bluestone. The entrance is via the central risalite, which is preceded by a ten-step flight of steps. This staircase was in need of major renovation in 2023. In order to obtain a planning basis for this work, the city of Aachen commissioned me to create measurement images of this staircase.
Schönau Castle, Aachen: southern view
Schönau Castle, Aachen: southeastern view
Schönau Castle, Aachen: north side camera setup
Schönau Palace, Aachen: northern view of outside staircase
Schönau Castle, Aachen: Camera set-up on balcony
Schönau Palace, Aachen: outside staircase top-view
Schönau Castle, Aachen: photogrammetry of treads and risers
Schönau Castle, Aachen: photogrammetry of wall crowns