Architectural imaging:  Liberty Park

Liberty Park
public roof-garden
New York [satellite]
AECOM 🔗, New York
DUCON 🔗 (client)
Jul 10, 2016
[article]      [image gallery]      
Liberty Park: 9/11 Memorial joint and One World trade Center
Liberty Park: 9/11 Memorial joint and One World Trade Center at dusk
Liberty Park: 9/11 Memorial joint and One World Trade Center at night
Liberty Park: 9/11 Memorial joint at dusk, horizon, portrait picture
Liberty Park: airborne-view of whole area with Liberty Church
Liberty Park: airborne-view of park area
Liberty Park: 9/11 Memorial joint at dusk, horizon, landscape picture
Liberty Park: whole area and 9/11 Memorial joint at dusk
Liberty Park: airborne-view center-area
Liberty Park: airborne-view single planter
Liberty Park: airborne-view single bench
Liberty Park: airborne-view tree with bench
Liberty Park: airborne-view planter-bench-detail, fig. 1
Liberty Park: airborne-view planter-bench-detail, fig. 2
Liberty Park: access staircase; beside: WTC's Vehicle Security Center access, zoomed
Liberty Park: suspended garden; in front: WTC's Vehicle Security Center access
Liberty Park: suspended garden; in front: WTC's Vehicle Security Center access, zoomed
Liberty Park: southern gallery
Liberty Park: perron to St. Nicholas Shrine forecourt
Liberty Park: seating area at St. Nicholas Shrine forecourt
Liberty Park: St. Nicholas Shrine forecourt
Liberty Park: main axis
Liberty Park: benches in main-axis
Liberty Park: benches in main-axis, zoomed
Liberty Park: benches at northern gallery
Liberty Park: northern gallery
Liberty Park: center-area set-card-shooting
Liberty Park: center-area with One World Trade Center, fig. 1
Liberty Park: center-area with One World Trade Center, fig. 2
Liberty Park: planter with One World Trade Center
Liberty Park: view of planter seating-area
Liberty Park: view of planter-top
Liberty Park: "Old Teak" as seating surface
Liberty Park: ramp Greenwich Street and One World Trade Center
Liberty Park: ramp and staircase Greenwich Street
Liberty Park: ramp Greenwich Street, detail